Crypto Boons Inc.
4 min readJan 2, 2022

Welcome to Crypto Boons Inc.

2021 has certainly been a rollercoaster year for several reasons: COVID and its numerous variants, all time highs in crypto, corresponding corrections, and of course, the labyrinthine process of starting a company in a constantly evolving environment.

While continuing our relentless pursuit of growing our company, we have made significant strides and feel the time is now right to reach out and provide you with an update.

So, without further ado, let’s delve into the questions and topics that we think are important to you.

“What is Crypto Boons Inc. ?”

Crypto Boons is an early stage company composed of a management team with varied backgrounds. At the time of founding (early 2021) our experience was limited to basic trading and holding, but we saw an opportunity to learn and grow. Everything we’ve done and accomplished to date, we taught ourselves how to do while developing a methodology and systems that facilitate a positive community and sustainable growth.

Our objectives are three-fold:

  1. To grow our knowledge base and skill set by experimenting with and studying various crypto related projects, all conducted from the perspective of creating useful, engaging, rewarding opportunities for our members.
  2. To serve as an example of how you too can learn to easily access blockchain technology and put it to work for you. We aim to become proof that crypto is not too complicated for the average person to learn.
  3. To establish ourselves as a trusted name in the ‘Wild West’ that is the crypto environment. We’ve taken the extra steps of formally registering our company in Ontario, Canada (where all of the management team resides). We are accountable, not only to the crypto community, but also to the government and regulators.

“So what lies ahead?”

Think of a tree – the trunk grows branches, branches grow leaves, leaves bring in food, and the tree grows some more.

Our trunk, or core, is based around membership and our community. The various use cases for our membership token and revenue generated from its sale used to grow our tree.

From this trunk, and with community involvement, various branch projects, such as Chronicles of the Blade (COTB) are grown.

So to begin, this month The Bull Boon, (Membership token and CNFT). Will be dropping. This will include different unique variants our illustrator has (and will continue to make). The policy ID will be published and interested parties will be able to

● Own a 1/1 Unique Bull Boon

● Prove their membership

● Support Crypto Boons Inc.

● Have additional input on the development of branch projects as the company continues to grow.

● Allow snapshots

In addition to that, our first branch project , Chronicles of the Blade, is in its promotional phase now. Stay tuned for more information on this.

“Road map?”

These are early days – and our road map is quickly evolving. What we can say right now is that we are definitely headed in the right direction – developing an eco-system that will be able to function in a long term sustainable manner and continue developing various branch projects for our community.

“How do we plan to grow?”

Sustainable growth is our goal. Our business strategy includes a commitment to re-invest 80% of all profits directly back into the company for further development. We will invest in crypto as a means to generate revenue for future development. Activities such as mining,holding,trading, stake pool operation etc. will secure us consistent additional revenue streams in addition to sales from projects. This dependable revenue will facilitate the consistent development of new branch projects.

“What can you expect from Crypto Boons Inc. in 2022?”

The Bull Boon will be dropping in January.

COTB is undergoing some pretty big developments. In the first quarter of 2022, we will be finishing the Tadlo and Jex 3 card sets and introducing our members to what happens when a set is complete. We also will be releasing new characters and a few other surprises.

Outside of the projects, our discord is ready to go in the new year, and our website as well. Both of which are also scheduled for release in early 2022.

“How can the community engage with us?”

Twitter is the easiest way to contact us for now. Later this month when the website and discord come out, they will also serve as a further communication channel between us and our community.

On the other end of that, we will be using Medium to provide more in depth updates as required. If you have any questions, please reach out to us and we will do our best to help.

“An important note”

We would like to take a moment to acknowledge how welcoming and helpful the Cardano community has been. We truly do appreciate it and are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it. The experience has been warming, and the knowledge has been priceless.

So from us at Crypto Boons Inc. to the entire Cardano community. Thank you.

We eagerly await the opportunity to pay the good karma forward and one day help other people and projects find their way, as you have been doing for us.


Crypto Boons Inc.

Crypto Boons Inc.
Crypto Boons Inc.

Written by Crypto Boons Inc.


Bullish on Boons, Boonish on Bulls.

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